Version 4 History

You can download the latest version from the Downloads page.


  • If there exists ',', ';', '&', 'Ft', 'Ft.', 'Feat', 'Feat.' in the tag information of the audio file to be added to database; it is obtained that the performer is linked to some other performers.[4.07.01 beta6]

  • Behaviour for "Play Over (Snap to Intro)" option was added to Tools/Settings/General part.[4.07.01 beta5]

  • Prior and Next butons were added to Test player.[4.07.01 beta 4]

  • Sound Graph was added to Voice Track Record window.[4.07.00 beta 25]

  • Color field is added to Definitions/Slogans. So that this color can be optionally applied to Slogan Box, Play List, Broadcast Plan, On-Air Panel.[4.07.00 beta 24]

  • It is obtained that Listener Graph will be displayed when Listener Count box is clicked while "Streaming" Button is active on Radio Broadcast and Multi-Broadcast Panels.[4.07.00 beta 19]

  • It is obtained that Entry/Exit slogans are displayed in Daily Tasks and commercials/promos can be put between them.[4.07.00 beta 8]

  • Sector column is added to Spots Module/Commercials window. Moreover, it is obtained that the color of a sector can be adjusted by right clicking. So that, in broadcast panels, commercials spots belonging to same sectors will be distinguished easily.[4.07.00 beta 4]

  • Some extra columns (e.g. Prior Category, Category Entry/Exit Dates, Play Count in active category, Total Play Count etc.) are added to Lists/Song List window.[4.07.00 beta 2]

  • Category tab is added to Broadcast History window. So that the category movements of any song/slogan can be tracked.[4.07.00 beta 2]

  • Key Spot concept is cancelled. Related options in Spots Module/Commercials, Promos and Tools/Settings/Spots Module are cancelled.[4.07.00 beta 1]

  • In Spots Module/Commercials, Promos windows, Rank information was made more functional. Ranks 0, 3, 6, 9 are reserved for 4 entry slogans; ranks 90, 93, 96, 99 are reserved for 4 exit slogans. Commercials/Promos having rank between those numbers will be broadcasted between entry and exit slogans. While ranking the Commercials/Promos manually in Radio On-Air panel, drag & drop between entry/exit slogans is allowed. Displaying entry exit slogans and manual ranking between them on Daily Tasks window is not implemented yet.[4.07.00 beta 1]

  • It is obtained that 4 Entry and 4 Exit slogans can be used in Commercials, Promo and News Time Sets. By using Tools/Settings/Spots Module/Entry Slogan/Exit Slogan Count can be set.[4.07.00 beta 1]


  • Its is obtained that the Categories field displayed as colorized.[4.06.09 beta1]

  • Maximum Commercials Duration per Hour option was added to Tools/Settings/Spot Module . So, the cells exceeding this duration is displayed in different color.[4.06.08 beta11]

  • Play Url is added to Type options of Weekly Tasks.[4.06.08 beta6]

  • It is allowed that the Voice Track can have negative position on Edit Audio Parameters window.[4.06.06 beta1]

  • Zoom feature was added to Edit Audio Parameters window.[4.06.06 beta1]

  • Window Title option was added to Tools/Settings/General/Color Settings window.[4.06.05 beta3]

  • Adding Commercial Slot rows from Definitions/Remarks window is possible. Those rows can be used in Clock Templates. Consider Commercial Slots option can be set under Tools/Settings/Advanced Broadcasting Module. So that, commercials will be automatically placed below the appropriate slots in broadcast plan.[4.06.05 beta1]

  • Stop after Play was added to Change Play Style menu of Radio Panel's broadcast list.[4.06.05 beta1]

  • Some features under Spot Module menu are also allowed for use of the customers having no Reservation Module license.[4.06.05 beta1]

  • Start Style field on Commercial/Promo/News Time Sets can be set differently for each day.[4.06.04 beta16]

  • Key? field was added to Commercial and Promo definitions. So that, some spots can be marked as Key Spot.[4.06.04 beta5]

  • 2 new options were added to Tools/Settings/Spots Module Settings. So that, key spot(s) can be broadcasted between 2 Entry and/or 2 Exit slogans.
    (If the key spot(s) is/are at the beginning or at the end of the time slot, this procedure is applied)[4.06.04 beta5]

  • Start Style field was removed from News.[4.06.04 beta3]

  • Start Style field was added to Commercial/Promo/News Time Sets.[4.06.04 beta3]

  • Immediately (Pause/Resume) option was added to Start Style fields on Weekly Tasks and Daily Tasks.[4.06.04 beta1]

  • Listener Count box is added to Multi-Broadcast Panel.[4.06.00 beta11]

  • Rules of Main Category had been applied while selecting song/slogan from Substitute Category. This bug is fixed.[4.06.00 beta3]

  • Related Songs... option was added to popup menu of Slogan Definitions. Such slogans can be included in a category, can be selected automatically when they are related to next song in the broadcast list.[4.06.00 beta2]

  • Set Creating feature was added to Weekly Tasks. These sets can be activated manually or activated automatically on desired date(s).[4.06.00 beta1]

  • Quality field was added to Song, Slogan, Commercial, News definitions.[4.06.00 beta1]


  • Totals for rows and columns have been displayed on Spot Module/Commercials/Plan screen.[4.05.12]

  • Solea Tag writing mechanism changed. During export, this tag is written to "Comment" section of the audio file instead of writing at the end of the audio file.[4.05.10 beta01]

  • Conversion of multichannel (5.1, 7.1 etc.) audio files to suitable formats was enhanced.[4.05.09 beta01]

  • Playing multichannel (5.1, 7.1 etc.) audio files was enhanced for stereo devices.[4.05.09 beta01]

  • " *Br, *Hz, *Ch " option was added to Calculate Audio Parameters window.[4.05.09 beta01]

  • *Hz, *Ch (Sample Rate, Channels) fields were added to Song, Slogan, Commercial and News definitions. Bit Rate field was renamed to *Br.[4.05.09 beta01]

  • Other Categories concept was cancelled. Categories concept was replaced with Category. Belonging to more than 1 category ability for a song/slogan was preserved. [4.05.00 beta01]

  • Medium option was added to C&F (Cut And Fade) property of Songs/Slogans etc. [4.05.00 beta01]

  • Font Color option was added to Categories, and Clock Templates definitions. [4.05.00 beta01]


  • Start Slogan Category option was added to Weekly Tasks. [4.04.04 beta04]

  • In Radio Module On-Air Panel window the last row has been moving to the top of the list as before as playing. This behavior was cancelled. [4.04.04 beta01]

  • Listener Count box was added near the "Start/Stop Streaming" button on Radio Module On-Air Panel (Pro). [4.04.03]

  • Access to ASIO sound cards feature was added. [4.04.02 beta01]

  • It was maintained that a task with immediate start style (e.g. news) to be considered while commercials are broadcasting. [4.04.01 beta15]

  • It was maintained that the Mood and Language obstacles to be considered. [4.04.01 beta15]

  • Other Categories (-) and Other Categories (+) options was added to Lists/Song List/Modify window. [4.04.01 beta15]

  • Sound Record feature was added to Definitions/Slogans. [4.04.01 beta14]

  • MM.DD field was added to Performer Definitions. So that, some performers can be selected on the specific days of the year.[4.04.01 beta05]


  • While selecting songs, Performer Similarity rule was working wrong. It is fixed.[4.03.12]

  • Using Bold fonts is enabled on Tools/Settings/Slogan Box/Font option.[4.03.10]

  • Arrow keys on keyboard can be used for adjusting the position and the size of the objects on Panel Designer window.[4.03.10]

  • "Multi File" option was added to Streaming Settings/Stream Type. So, it is possible to record a stream as 1 hour long log files.[4.03.07 beta16]

  • HLS (HTTP Live Stream) listening support was added.[4.03.07 beta15]

  • Changing the order of the Commercials was allowed on Radio Module Broadcast Panel (Pro).[4.03.07 beta08]

  • Convert to another format... function is added to the pop-up menu of the Lists/File List window.[4.03.00 beta09]

  • "Start File" option was added to Type information of Weekly Tasks.[4.03.00 beta03]

  • Substitute Category was added to Category Definitions. When no matching song/slogan is found in Main Category, a selection will be made from this category.[4.03.00 beta01]


  • While the broadcast list looping, only the last item has been moving to the beginning of the list. Now, all the linked items are moved.[4.02.03]

  • Add to Other Categories... button was added to Error List which is shown for duplicate records while adding songs.[4.02.03]

  • "Commercial Separator" is added to Tools menu. So, when the "Before Commercial Signal" is detected from the Line-In, local commercials or songs will be broadcasted.[4.02.00 beta08]

  • Before Commercial Signal setting is added to Tools/Settings/Radio Module.[4.02.00 beta08]

  • C&F field was added to Song and Slogan Definitions. So that, some songs and slogans can be selected by considering Cut & Fade start/end fit.[4.02.00 beta05]

  • MM.DD field was added to Song and Slogan Definitions. So that, some songs and slogans can be selected on the specific days of the year.[4.02.00 beta04]

  • MetaLink field was added to Song, Slogan, Commercial and News Definitions. So that, this field can be used in "Write To File Settings".[4.02.00 beta03]


  • Bugs in 4.01.00 Beta30 are fixed.[4.01.00 beta31]

  • Number of options are increased in Fill Templates / Clear Templates operations.[4.01.00 beta29]

  • Outro Counter is enabled on Player component.[4.01.00 beta27]

  • Getting Song information (Tags) from file name was enhanced.[4.01.00 beta18]

  • Seeing Planned Tasks (commercials, anounces) as bands in Multi-Broadcast Panel was provided.[4.01.00 beta02]

  • WinAmp DSP Plugin column in Tools/Settings/Multi-Broadcast Panel/Target Settings window was moved to Options column..[4.01.00 beta01]


  • It was provided that the Voice Tracks can be seen as separate rows, can be played on gaps, can be played on effect rows.[4.00.00 beta97]

  • It was provided that the number of sets and the number of buttons in the sets can be increased upto 30 (by using Panel Designer).[4.00.00 beta97]

  • "Panel Designer" tool was added, so that the existing radio panels can be re-designed and the new designs can be created.[4.00.00 beta96]

  • "Other Categories" field was added to Song and Effect definitions, so that they can be belong to more than 1 category.[4.00.00 beta95]