Multi-Broadcast Module Price List

If you want to purchase Solea's Multi-Broadcast Module to use in a hotel, you must contact with our reseller whose contact information is given below.

Contact with MEST TASARIM

+90 533 261 2213    Dicle Gökalp

Solea's Multi-Broadcast Module is sold in 4 different package options. Other features can be added to any package or some of the existing features (except Basic Features) can be removed.

Package Name:





Price: EUR 400 EUR 950 EUR 2200 EUR 3200
Basic Features:
(EUR 200)
Song Database:
(EUR 200)
Number of Broadcasts:
(EUR 100 per broadcast)
2 4 8 8
Automatic Song/Slogan Selection:
(EUR 100 per broadcast)
- - 8 8
(EUR 75 per broadcast)
- - - 8
Spot Module:
(EUR 50 per broadcast)
- - - 8
Network User Access:
(EUR 50 per user)
- +1 +2 +2
(EUR 25 per hour)
- 4 4 4

The features are described below with more details.

Basic Features: Some of them are listed below. Song Database: Materials such as commercial, news, promo, slogan are stored in the database in all packages. In Lite Package, songs are not stored in the database, they are obtained from external audio files. Packages having this feature can access all the materials from the database. Users don't have to struggle with the files under operating system folders while searching songs.

Track information (Track Name, Performer Name, Album Name, Album Track Number, Genre, Sungenre, Tempo, Year, Composer, Lyricist, Producer etc) are stored in the database, so they can be easily managed. Required songs can be easily accessed by filtering and grouping methods.

With this feature, you can store your CDs or your audio files in your database in any format, you can export them in any audio format at any time. You can also list, filter, sort, group your songs and export the result as Excel and HTML files. Storing the songs in the database and playing them from the database also enables the Log Tracking System. By using Log Tracking system, you can list/report the songs played at certain station in certain period on the basis of Date-Time, Performer, Composer, Lyricist, Producer, Publisher for copyright-related institutions.

Without this feature, the songs will be used from the original location on the disc (as in WinAmp).

Number of Broadcasts: It represents the number of the targets (Loby, Bar, Restaurant vs.) to broadcast simultaneously. By using one computer 32 different broadcast can be achieved.

In order to broadcast to 8 different target, one of the sound card combinations can be used:

A computer can be plugged in many of these sound cards (by using PCI slots and USB ports).
Note: Without using any sound card, it is possible to broadcast to 32 different target by using streaming feature.

Automatic Song/Slogan Selection: It is one of Solea's most expensive 2 features. it is inevitable for radios brodcasting in accordance with the American Broadcasting Systematic. It is essential for categorizing the songs/slogans and for making the broadcast flow compatible with this systematic. When selecting the songs/slogans, many rules besides category information (Performer Obstacle, Gender Obstacle, Other Day Obstacle, Day Part Fit, Tempo Fit, Energy Fit, Rotation Speed etc.) will be taken into consideration and the most suitable ones will be preferred.

Moreover, you can create virtual lists (which contains just filter criteria intead of ordinary play list) in few seconds. For example; You can provide that the latin songs vocalized by the female performers will be broadcasted on every tuesday from 16:00.

Without using this feature you may have to create too many play lists and calculate too many conditions from your mind while adding songs to them.

Streaming: You can send the broadcast of each target (upto 32 targets) to 8 different media servers without using any sound card. Supported media servers are SHOUTCAST ve ICECAST. Beside, you can do MPEG-TS stream (IP TV) over UDP ve RTMP protocols.

Spot Module: By using this feature, you can plan your commercials, assign them to all targets (or some targets), and track their reports.

Network User Access: In most cases, the computer on which Solea is broadcasting may not be convenient for some operations (e.g. adding tracks to the database, preparing new Play Lists, changing the broadcast flow). For this reason, it is recommended that 2nd or 3rd users perform these operations on their own computers (on the network). You can install Solea on an unlimited number of computers on your network. However, the number of users allowed at the same time depends on this feature in your license.

Summary of Packages:

Lite: It doesn't store the songs in the database. Play Lists are prepared by selecting from the audio files in the disk.

Standard: It stores the songs in database too, provides convenience when preparing lists. The songs can also be accessed (can be listened/edited) over the network.

Professional: In addition to the Standard, it eliminates the trouble of preparing the list. It can select the songs/slogans in desired patterns.

Enterprise: In addition to the Professional, it includes "Spot Module" and can do streaming. It is ideal for web radios.

Payment Conditions:

Special Conditions: